Life Assurance
The aim of life assurance cover is to provide money for people who financially depend on you. We need to consider the impact and consequences our death would have on the people most close to us.

Term Assurance.
You only get a pay-out within the 'term' of your policy. The pay-out you get is fixed from the start of the term until the end. Level term assurance then guarantees a known lump sum payout upon death within a fixed time

Family Income Assurance.
These policies are specifically designed to meet the needs of parents with (or planning) children. They provide for an income payable from the date of death until a fixed time in the future (e.g. the youngest child's 18th or 21st birthday).

Whole of Life Assurance.
These are policies that provide life assurance for the whole of your life (as opposed to Term policies that could last for any number of years. For example a Term policy could last 5, 10 or 25 years then finish). Whole of Life insurance guarantees to pay out in the event of death, whenever it occurs, generally as long as the premiums are paid. The premium you pay may also include an investment element which helps to pay for the cost of cover over time.
The value of investments and income may go down. You may not get back the original amount invested.